Skin cancer is relatively common, and without treatment, it can be fatal. There are several different types of facial skin cancer, but the most common kind is basal cell carcinoma (BCC), which starts in the cells that produce new skin. If you know what to look for, you can find the warning skin cancer signs on face of this and other kinds of facial skin cancer. Knowing what they are could be a matter of life and death; just click here to know more.
What are the skin cancer signs on face?
Skin cancer is a very common condition, and there are many different kinds of skin cancers. Some signs of skin cancer are specific to the face, while others are common to all kinds of skin cancers.
Here are some of the most common signs of skin cancer on your face:
- Red, pink or white spots
- Scaly patches
- Sores that won’t heal
- Bumps that look like a pimple but don’t go away
Flat, scaly patches on your face in shades of red or pink
You may notice flat, scaly patches on your face in shades of red or pink. These are the warning signs of skin cancer; if you notice them, it’s important to get checked out by a doctor immediately. The treatment for skin cancer varies depending on what kind of cancer it is (for example, basal cell carcinoma vs. melanoma).
A growth that looks like a pimple but won’t go away
If you see suspected skin cancer on your face, it’s important to get it checked out by a doctor. A skin growth that looks like a pimple but won’t go away or another type of growth could be an early sign of melanoma. This can be life-threatening if left untreated and may require special treatment such as surgery or radiation therapy.
If you’re concerned about any new skin lesions (or other changes), visit your doctor for an exam immediately!
If the lump doesn’t look like anything else and doesn’t change over time, there’s no need for immediate medical attention. But if there are any other symptoms associated with this type of lesion (for example, itchiness), then go see your doctor so they can determine whether or not those symptoms are related to this particular case – which could mean more tests will be needed before any treatment decisions are made.”
A sore that keeps bleeding and won’t heal
If you have a sore that won’t heal, it’s worth considering the possibility of skin cancer. Sores that keep bleeding are also signs of skin cancer.
If you notice any of these symptoms, see your doctor right away:
- A lump or swelling on your face that doesn’t go away within two weeks
- A new bump or rash on your chest (sometimes called “a brown mark”) after being exposed to sunlight for several hours
If you notice any of these signs on your face, it’s important to take action. It’s also important not to panic — that could make things worse. The best way to prevent skin cancer is by getting regular checkups at a doctor and using a sunscreen every day.