Organic traffic is essential if you want your website to be a success. Nobody is going to want to visit your site if all of the traffic that comes through it comes through sponsored and paid advertisements. Large volumes of organic traffic clearly indicate that a website is performing well. Websites that perform well do so because the service or product they offer is of unparalleled and unrivalled quality or affordable price.
This post will explore this topic in more detail and tell you how you can optimise your site so that its organic traffic increases.
Professional Support
To be completely honest, if you have no experience optimising and designing websites then you won’t be able to do it yourself. There are services you can use to make the process easier but even they can be somewhat complex at times, especially for the uninitiated. Rather than relying on your own expertise or knowledge (which is probably lacking by virtue of you being here, reading this post), you should hire a professional. A professional’s support will prove invaluable and help you to make much better decisions relative to your site’s design and performance improvements.
Finding an expert can be difficult though. One such expert offering SEO in Brisbane makes it clear on their website that in order for your site to begin performing better you need an on- and off-site SEO strategy. This is something that only a trained expert will be able to offer you. Make sure that you conduct extensive research so that you can find such an individual. One good way of telling whether or not a professional is worth hiring is by reading reviews. An expert’s reviews will help you to get an idea of how useful and helpful they are and how much their services have benefitted past customers.
Utilising Content
If you want your website to rank higher than it is on Google or Yahoo, use content. Writing and then publishing content on your website can be an extremely effective way of attracting attention and boosting your site’s rank. A lot of people completely overlook content and instead purely focus on offering products and services on their websites. Content, even on an e-commerce site, can help it appear much higher (and also help out visitors and users of your site).
You don’t have to be a good writer to get content published on your site, however. You will be pleased to know that it’s entirely possible to hire content writers. Content writers will be able to create content for you, ensuring that your audience has something to read that’s useful and informative. Bear in mind that if you are going to hire a content writer, you need to hire one with experience and a good grasp of the language that your site’s content is going to be written in. Going back to reviews, a writer’s reviews and portfolio can help you decide whether to hire them or not.
Mobile Optimisation
You need to make sure that your website is optimised for mobile users. A large number of people who visit your site will be on their mobile devices. If your site isn’t optimised for mobile users then what that means is that most of your site’s visitors won’t be able to use your site or see the content published on it. The process of optimising a website for mobile users isn’t that hard. Sadly a lot of people do not do it out of laziness, not because it’s difficult.
As a large number of internet users use their mobile devices, not optimising your site for their convenience will mean that you are alienating potential customers. Nobody is going to want to do business with you if you have intentionally made it difficult for them to use your website. Fortunately, an SEO expert will be able to optimise your site for you. Again you need to make sure that you read your chosen professional’s reviews just so you can verify their expertise and make sure they know what they are doing. Beyond reviews check their star rating out as well. An expert’s star rating can tell you a lot about them.
Keyword Insertion
In the content that you post on your website, there need to be keywords. Search engines rank websites that use popular keywords higher than they do websites without. Finding keywords isn’t especially difficult. In fact, it can be done quite easily provided you have access to a keyword research service. If you hire an SEO professional then they will be able to track down keywords for you, saving you time and money (as keyword research services are not free). You need to make sure the keywords you do use are up-to-date and relevant.
Using old keywords won’t necessarily hurt your site’s performance but at the same time, it won’t benefit it. Search engines are constantly checking the internet for new keywords, so they will be able to tell if the ones you are using are old. Bear in mind that when you use old keywords you run the risk of making your website look dated. Many customers know what the most relevant keywords are too, so if they notice you are using old ones they might think that you either don’t care or that your research skills are not very good.
Image Selection
Finally, you need to carefully select images for your website and then optimise them, as in compress them. Selecting images isn’t particularly difficult though you do need to make sure that you use ones that are not copyrighted. Using copyrighted images on your website can get you into a lot of trouble. People are regularly taken to court and sued for using other people’s images without their permission. Bear in mind that if you end up being taken to court for a copyright dispute, it could damage your reputation in your customers’ eyes.
Running a business is not easy. Running one with a website is even harder. If you have your own website then you need to make sure that it is optimised. If your website is not optimized then you won’t rank highly. Not ranking highly means customers will have trouble finding you when they conduct internet searches.