Choosing a knowledge management system for your organization is not an easy task. This is particularly true if you have no experience with this type of technology. Yes, you know that a knowledge management system has a lot of benefits, from boosting communication in different departments to helping build a positive company culture. But, this is only going to be true if you are able to select the right knowledge management system.
It can be tricky to know where to begin. But, here are some elements you need to look out for when searching for a knowledge management system.
User-Friendly Interface
Let’s start with an obvious but very important element you need from a knowledge management system. We are talking about a user-friendly interface. If the design is not easy-to-use and interactive for employees, it is going to be a waste of time. You have to make sure that the people using the system every day are able to operate it effectively and find what they are looking for efficiently. Otherwise, its purpose goes out the window.
Sometimes, you do not know if a knowledge management system is going to be easy until you try it for yourself. So, this is why you should arrange a demo first. This will give you the opportunity to use the system and see if your employees would like it. You can enhance your knowledge with Clear People and try out their demo. Their knowledge management system is very popular, and it might be just what you are looking for.
Search Functions
Employees do not have all the time in the world to look through a knowledge platform. The point is that they are able to access the information and data they need quickly and efficiently. This way, they are able to get through their workload and make sure they are spending more of their time completing projects. They know what they want to find. They just need a system that is going to allow them to find it.
This means that another element you need to look for when it comes to knowledge management systems is search functions. In other words, it should be quick and easy for employees to search for whatever they need and be brought straight to that information. Thus, when you are looking at the design of a knowledge management system, you want to make sure there is an easy-to-find search function. This should be quick and simple to use for employees.
Allows for Contribution
The point of a knowledge management system is to provide a database of useful information to an organization. Namely, your employees are going to be the ones that can really benefit from such an investment. But, they are not just going to be able to search for the information they need. They should also be able to contribute to the knowledge management system. This way, it is constantly being updated with new data and research, providing even more help to others later on.
Therefore, make sure that there is a contribution element when it comes to the system you are looking at. This is going to make sure that your knowledge management system is not just storing old information. It is constantly being updated and made better for all of your employees to use. In particular, ensure that the process of adding information is something that is easy and quick to do. This will encourage the team to do this on a regular basis.
An Available Demo
Once you think you have found a knowledge management system you like, ensure that the company offers you a demo. This is something that most reputable companies will offer since it allows you to test the system for yourself. Indeed, this is an element you do not want to skip since it can give you valuable insight into what you will expect with this system.
The last thing you want is to discover that you do not like the knowledge management system you have invested in. This is going to be a lot of money down the drain. Using the demo is going to make sure this does not happen. You can see the design for yourself and how it operates.