The acronyms ATM or TMJ means Temporomandibular Joint, which is the joint between the skull and the mandible. Is categorized as one of the Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD). This syndrome tends to cause pain between the mandible and the ears, so there are two temporomandibular joints located on each side of our face just in front of our ears. This pathology can be very annoying when we are trying to speak, chew or do any type of jaw movement. In some cases, the pain could be mild, but in others, it could be severe. If you are experiencing severe pain and feeling that your jaw is locked, then ask now for specialist assistance.
It is called temporomandibular because it involves the temporal bone and the mandible. The temporal bone is a part of the joint that is composed of an articular tubercle and the mandibular fossa, this superior part’s function is to translate the mandible. There is also an inferior and smaller part whose function is to rotate the mandible. There is a tissue with nerves and vessels, ligaments, and muscles that help to move the jaw properly. The temporomandibular joint is also composed of cartilage whose function is to absorb stress. If any of these are damaged is probable that we will experience an ATM pathology.
ATM Pathology Causes
Generally, the causes that produce a Patología atm are stress or traumas, it can also be due to genetics, arthritis, or bruxism. Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints and can be infectious or traumatic, for example, the extension of an adjacent infection or pain after tooth extraction. Bruxism is the regular clenching of the teeth which tenses and wears down the mandible muscles. If you are not experiencing arthritis, bruxism, or an externally produced trauma, then it may be a hereditary ATM pathology.
There are two types of factors that could cause an ATM Pathology. Internal factors: there is a disk between the fossa and the condyle, one of the causes could be that this disk has moved out of its place or has eroded. This disk contains cartilage, if you are experiencing arthritis is possible that it has damaged the cartilage. External factors: include any impact on the mandible that could have damaged it. There are other causes, but these are the most common and recurrent in medical diagnostics.
ATM Pathology Symptoms
The symptoms of this pathology are easily identifiable. You will feel pain if you touch your mandible and sometimes you will feel pain even without touching it. You could feel pain around any of your ears or inside them. You could feel facial pain, maxillary irritations, and frequent headaches. It could be difficult to chew or do anything that involves opening and closing your mouth, and in the worst cases, you won’t be able to open your mouth at all. In addition to all of these, you could feel a clicking sensation or a clicking sound when you open and close your mouth. Other symptoms could be pain in the shoulders or neck, tooth pain, and earaches.
ATM Pathology Treatments
In most cases, the ATM pathology is temporal and won’t last long. But in some cases, it will need medical surgery to stop the pain. Though it is the last resource, you will need to try first all the non surgical options. Before requiring a surgeon, you should try other types of treatments that include a prosthetist or an orthodontist. If the pain of the disfuncion mandibular persists ask for a specialist’s help, an early diagnosis could help you to avoid surgery.
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